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Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)

The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) is a mental health recovery plan that helps individuals facilitate personalized wellness through actionable steps that support positive behavioral responses and self-regulation. This Foundational Tool is an evidence-based treatment method designed to decrease negative mental health symptoms, increase personal responsibility, and improve quality of life.

The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) is an evidence-based treatment method that we have used at Crestwood for more than 15 years. Through WRAP, we implement personalized wellness and recovery strategies that help persons served combat intrusive thoughts, minimize troubling feelings, and achieve life goals. Through the WRAP planning process, individuals are able to monitor and address unforeseen emotional experiences or life outcomes through predetermined self-regulation responses outlined in their plan. To establish a plan, WRAP courses are typically conducted at our campuses 4-5 times per week, with two Certified WRAP Facilitators leading both the oversight of the curriculum and small groups. WRAP classes can be available on an open-ended or time-limited class cycle (depending on the campus).

During WRAP groups, facilitators place persons served in a circle and assist them as they create, review, or modify their plan. Throughout this process, it is a requirement that WRAP Facilitators have their own active individualized WRAP plan and can share details from their plan at an appropriate level, to assist persons served in developing their own. In doing this work, we have found that programs that conduct WRAP classes 4-5 times per week have higher statistics in discharging their clients to lower levels of care.

At Crestwood, WRAP is implemented in every program that we offer and is applied to each unique Crestwood campus using a variety of approaches. While the curriculum of WRAP has core values and ethics that we adhered to, there are various ways that our staff educate persons served about the benefits and importance of developing a Wellness Recovery Action Plan. By sharing the WRAP planning process in various ways, we are able to encourage authentic participation from persons served and help them build a plan that is compatible with their unique interests and needs.

At Crestwood, we believe in the healing power of WRAP and have established a WRAP Committee to support each program and help them improve the wellness and quality of life for our entire Crestwood community. The Crestwood WRAP Committee provides ongoing Corporate WRAP trainings and mentoring/technical assistance at each campus. Our WRAP Committee also helped establish the Organizational WRAP Landscape, also referred to as OWL. OWL is a collaboration between The Copeland Center and Crestwood Behavioral Health. OWL’s purpose is to support the well-being of our workforce by introducing them to the WRAP planning process and giving them the opportunity to build a plan unique their needs. By having the majority of our Crestwood workforce oriented to WRAP, we are able to foster a collaborative culture that reduces an elitist mentality and dismantles the "us vs them” power dynamic that often hinders the development of trusting therapeutic relationships between persons served and staff.

WRAP Committee

Martha Crawford, Crestwood Administrator and Copeland Center Certified Advanced Level Facilitator

Greg Parnell, Health and Wellness Facilitator, Advanced Level Facilitator

Cameron Miller, Director of Learning and Performance, Advanced Level Facilitator

Terry Paterson, Director of Education and Recovery Services

Bea Jae North, National Consultant – Copeland Center

Joanne Basco, Administrative Program Coordinator

Campus Advanced Level Facilitators (ALFs)

Tina Healy- Crestwood Bakersfield

Sarah Wood- Crestwood Bakersfield

Shanel Mayo-Crestwood Chula Vista

Amber Braxton, Crestwood San Diego

James McCumber – Crestwood Kingsburg Healing Center

Elliot Morales – Crestwood Kingsburg Healing Center

Shaniece Hill – Crestwood Center Sacramento

Ralph Madraiga – Crestwood Stockton Manor

Maritza Vindell- Crestwood American River

Robert Levy- Crestwood Modesto

Anna Handzar- Crestwood San Jose

Van Jerald Pareno- Crestwood Manor Alameda

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