Crestwood Treatment Center’s Dream Team Celebrating Wellness“Health is wellness, health is power,” declared a resident at Crestwood Treatment Center in Fremont.
This powerful statement came as a result of the facility’s first Wellness Fair that was held on March 18, 2015. In preparation for the Wellness Fair, a few small groups of residents known as the “Dream Team” spent three months exploring with staff members different wellness topics related to stress management, both through research and experiential activities. These small groups met once a week to investigate each wellness topic and prepare a related presentation. After three months of creative collaboration, they selected the topics of Aromatherapy, Exercise, Music Appreciation, Guided Imagery, and Assertive Communication to feature at their Wellness Fair.
The Dream Team residents then prepared and distributed invitations to facility residents and staff, and announcement banners were hung throughout the facility. The conference room and adjoining outdoor Zen Garden were transformed into a presentation hall, with five separate stations, one for each wellness topic. The Wellness Fair kicked off on a beautiful day with the Zen Garden fountain bubbling and relaxing music playing. Seats were available in the garden for attendees to reflect quietly and/or relax together. Residents and staff were invited to make their way throughout the fair, stopping at each booth to connect with their Dream Team hosts. Pairs of Dream Team members handed out informational packets and discussed their topic of wellness with participants, and invited them to join them in their wellness activity. One resident remarked, “I was able to get a lot of information proving that music really does relieve stress. It is my favorite way to take the stress away. Music even relieves stress during dental procedures!” Refreshments were also served and participants were invited to share hummus, cucumber toast, a fresh fruit salad, and lemon mint water as they further relaxed in the Zen Garden.
The education, exchange of wellness information and the entire experience was very empowering for Dream Team members and well received by all who participated. “The Wellness Fair was a complete success. It was so much fun and informative for everyone. Participating residents were very enthusiastic and knowledgeable about their respective topics. They were able to communicate and explain the importance on how to live a healthy lifestyle. The visitors who attended the Fair were all impressed with the way the booths were set up and organized by staff and residents,” said Luis de Vera, Assistant Director of Nursing
The facility is still buzzing about the Wellness Fair and Dream Team members are eager to start preparing for next year’s event. They have big plans to expand the fair and possibly invite other Crestwood facilities to share in the experience.
Lillian Fong, Program Administrator, remarked, “I am so impressed with our residents’ enthusiasm and “can do” attitude. Their confidence was evident that day for all to see.”