When an organization sets its goals to meet higher standards than is required by licensing agencies, payer sources, community stakeholders and industry standards, and then goes on to achieve those goals, it is an extraordinary accomplishment. Crestwood Behavioral Health, Inc. is proud once again to have achieved just that accomplishment. In August 2024, Crestwood received the highest-level Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities’ (CARF) Three-Year Accreditation of our behavioral health programs and our Shoreline and Sacramento Home Offices. This accreditation shows an organization’s substantial conformance to the CARF standard and that it has put itself through a rigorous peer review process. It has demonstrated to a team of surveyors during an onsite visit its commitment to offering programs and services that are measurable, accountable, and of the highest quality.
A huge Thank You and Congratulations to our Crestwood Family!!
In August, our organization came together as a mighty team to support the CARF survey process. We successfully completed this CARF survey because of our staff’s dedication and commitment to the CARF process.
During the exit of our survey, Staci L. Nevels, lead CARF Surveyor, said that the surveyors were so impressed and inspired by our campuses, staff, persons served and programs and Crestwood was an organization that will be easy to remember.
When we hear comments like that from someone outside of our organization, it reaffirms that the work we are doing and the services we provide are truly making a difference in people’s lives. This is all made possible by the dedication, compassion and hard work of our extraordinary staff who are the heart of Crestwood!!
Crestwood was recognized for many of our accomplishments during the survey. The CARF surveyors found that Crestwood demonstrated the following strengths:
Crestwood’s mission states that the organization invests its energies to enhance the quality of life, social integration, community support and empowerment of persons served with mental health issues.
Although a very large organization with multiple sites and programs, Crestwood has consistently well-organized and appealing campuses.
Crestwood’s Equity Diversity and Inclusion Team (EDIT) is recognized for strengthening equity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
The organization’s leadership is actively involved in daily operations, communicating a sense of shared responsibility and responsiveness.
The organization’s dedication to and utilization of Dreamcatchers Empowerment Network is inspiring.
The leadership clearly advocates for the direct service providers and the persons served and has made efforts to create a positive work/service environment.
There is a great team of professionals across many disciplines who make up the teams at Crestwood.
The teams that provide the services show support and unconditional acceptance of all persons served in the program.
The wellness of the employees and persons served is front and center in their daily routines.
The staff members work closely with persons served to ensure that skills and preferences are recognized and used.
The persons served bragged about how the program has helped them in so many ways.
The Eureka programs are legacy campuses for Crestwood. Persons served at the Eureka programs reported high satisfaction with the services.
Crestwood’s Central California campuses (Fresno, Kingsburg, and Bakersfield) have environments that reflect the importance of serving every person who walks through the door.
The results of our 8th CARF survey exemplify the commitment, dedication and character of our staff to the CARF standards and the quality of recovery services that are provided every single day for our persons served!