Two Amazing Graduates who are Making a Difference and Giving Back
When Crestwood San Diego opened in June 2014, a client named J. was admitted to the program in its second week of services. It was then that J. and staff created and began working on her personal plan for recovery. In just a little over three months, J. became Crestwood San Diego’s first “graduate” meaning that she had successfully completed the program and was ready for discharge to the community. J. felt that her experience at Crestwood was so valuable that she decided to return to the facility as a peer volunteer to assist others on their personal journeys of recovery. After a couple of months of work as a peer volunteer, J. was offered a paid position as a Rehabilitation Assistant at Crestwood San Diego. She accepted that offer and has since completed a Peer Training course through NAMI. J. continues to work in this capacity at the facility, providing inspiration and support to the clients, as well as staff.
Crestwood Chula Vista opened in June 2015, and one of the clients admitted there shortly after was A. A. soon became a participant in the Crestwood Chula Vista’s Dreamcatchers Empowerment Network Vocational Program, designed to provide support and education to those with the goal of finding employment. Following J.’s lead from Crestwood San Diego, A. became Crestwood Chula Vista’s second “graduate”. A. now returns twice a week to the facility in the role of peer volunteer, providing meaningful support to others. In addition to providing peer support, A. also leads a weekly bible study group at the facility. He currently has the goal of becoming a Rehabilitation Assistant like J., and is well on his way to achieving that goal with the support of staff at Crestwood Chula Vista.