At our Crestwood San Jose Psychiatric Health Facility (PHF) we are constantly striving to meet the needs of our clients and recognize the importance of an active recovery.
As an acute PHF, we are a short-term, stabilization crisis center that helps our clients move forward with their recovery goals, and often that means they may be with us two or three months if they are waiting for long-term care. Our staff works on providing holistic recovery services that addresses the mind, body and spirit for every client who comes into our program, so that we can meet as many of their needs as possible. In taking this holistic approach, we have added many new features and programs such as, each client is met with a welcome basket which provides a variety of toiletries, a journal, and a water bottle to meet their basic needs, while promoting self-care. Every morning we also introduce a new DBT skill of the day, which is incorporated into each group we provide. We have added a gym to our unit to help our clients practice the skills we are teaching related to distress tolerance and physical wellbeing. We have also added a prevocational track called Achieving Success, which allows our clients to be productive and engaged in their recovery throughout the day. Feeling safe, individualized and progressive allows our clients to meet their ongoing mental health recovery needs. Every day, our team looks for ways on how we can best ensure the dignity, recovery and care of the people we serve. Contributed by: Angele Suarez, Clinical Director, Crestwood San Jose PHF and Michael Bargagliotti, Campus Administrator, Crestwood San JoseMichael Bargagliotti