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A positive experience at Hummingbird Healing House

Our son, J. was transferred from Crestwood Chula Vista to Hummingbird Healing House in January 2020. This letter is to inform you about our experience with one of your staff members, Scott Cranny, Service Coordinator.

We were very fortunate that J. signed R.O.I.s at both campuses so that we could communicate with staff about his progress over the last year and a half. Sharing our knowledge of what our son has been going through for years and hearing from his caregivers about how he was doing was very important to us.

Our experience with Hummingbird was so very different. Early on, we received our first call from Scott Cranny. Scott let us know that he would be working closely with J. during his stay there. He explained the goals of Hummingbird and the plan he had developed exclusively for our son. Getting J. to recognize that he has a mental health issue and helping him figure out how to navigate independently in the world, was his main goal. Without fail, Scott called us every Friday afternoon with an update on J.’s progress. It was so comforting to get those calls weekly. Living in El Paso, Texas and having someone care enough to take the time to let us know how our son’s week had gone was priceless.

After working with J. for a few weeks, Scott helped set J. up with off-site classes and therapy, and even found a softball league to get him involved with. Then the COVID-19 shutdown hit and as hard as that was on J. and probably all of the clients at Hummingbird, it gave Scott more opportunity to have time to observe some of his unusual movements, tics and sounds. We shared with Scott that J. was diagnosed with a movement disorder. A few days later, on Easter Sunday, Scott phoned us to let us know that he couldn’t stop thinking about J.’s various tics, and said he was going to check into getting him evaluated by a neurologist.

As you know, J. was recently discharged and even though J. is no longer in Scott’s charge, he is going to see to it that J. makes it to that appointment with the neurologist. Scott is such a good guy! We so appreciate everything that he has done for our son, and for our family. We will be forever grateful for the concern he has shown for J. and his well-being, and for the kindness he has shown us as J.’s parents.


L. & J.

J.’s Parents

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